Bankrupting our Community at the expense of our citizens

Hollywood-Bibb’s actions suggest that he believes his role as mayor extends only to the downtown area of our city. As a resident who cares deeply about Cleveland, I feel it is important to clarify the scope of his position and encourage a broader view of his responsibilities.

Breaking news for Hollywood-Bibb: the position of "Mayor" is not confined to any one district or neighborhood but encompasses the entire city, including all its diverse areas and residents. While it is understandable that the downtown area often receives significant attention due to its economic prominence, Cleveland is made up of many neighborhoods, each with its own needs, challenges, and unique contributions to the community.

Hollywood-Bibb is incapable of unifying our city. Simply put, he just does not care. Every corner of Cleveland—whether it's the historic neighborhoods or the emerging ones—requires attention, resources, and focused leadership. We all share in the prosperity and well-being of our city, and it's vital that every part of it is given equal consideration when making decisions that affect our future.

I understand that downtown is a hub of activity and economic development, but a truly effective mayor must recognize that the strength of a city lies in its entirety, not just in its downtown. I believe that with thoughtful, community-focused leadership, our entire city can thrive.

The ongoing financial policies and decisions of Hollywood-Bibb are increasingly putting our neighborhoods at risk. He may not understand it, but he’s the mayor of Cleveland—not just the mayor of downtown. The devastating consequences for the citizens who call this place home are becoming painfully evident. The financial strain we are facing is not a result of external factors but rather the consequence of shortsighted choices, mismanagement, and an inability to prioritize the well-being of our residents.

Our community, once vibrant and full of potential, is now teetering on the brink. Vital services are being slashed, infrastructure is deteriorating, and the economic stability of families is being further jeopardized. Meanwhile, the policies that have led to this downfall seem to prioritize the interests of a few over the collective needs of the many. The hard-working citizens who have supported this community for generations now find themselves paying the price for decisions they had no part in making.

I cannot remain silent as our community is being drained of its resources and its future squandered. We are at a critical juncture, and I urge you to reconsider the current course of action. Every dollar wasted on mismanaged projects or ill-conceived ventures is a dollar taken away from those who need it most: our teachers, our first responders, our families, and our elderly. We cannot afford to continue down this path of fiscal irresponsibility, which ultimately places an unbearable burden on those least able to bear it.

Our citizens deserve better. They deserve leadership that is accountable, responsible, and genuinely focused on securing a sustainable future. It is time to stop ignoring the financial reality we face and make the hard choices necessary to steer this community back to stability. Every day we delay this reckoning, we risk further harm to the fabric of our community.

The residents cannot afford the selfish ambitions of Hollywood-Bibb, who is bankrupting our community at the expense of our citizens. The decisions made today will determine whether our community can recover or whether we will be left to pick up the pieces of a fractured, financially devastated city. For the sake of all those who rely on this community to thrive, let us work together to rebuild what is being lost.

Cleveland is facing a critical moment in its long history. It is time to address the ongoing failures of Hollywood-Bibb. The current mayor is not interested in meeting the needs and aspirations of the people who elected him. For the sake of progress and growth, it is time to recognize that the leadership in place has failed to effectively guide us toward a better Cleveland.

Leadership is about vision, accountability, and the ability to inspire and adapt. Unfortunately, under the current mayor, we have seen a consistent failure to demonstrate these qualities. Whether through his poor decision-making, lack of transparency, or inability to address the challenges before us, the results speak for themselves. Morale at City Hall is in the gutter, trust in Bibb has eroded, and our collective potential remains unrealized.

We are at a pivotal moment. The direction we choose in 2025 will define our future, and it is critical that we embrace new, community-focused leadership that can restore confidence, inspire action, and drive meaningful change. We must prioritize competence, integrity, and the vision needed to steer us toward success. This means actively seeking new leadership that can bring fresh perspectives, revitalize Cleveland, and reignite the commitment of those who believe in its mission.

It is never easy to admit failure, especially when you spend most of your time politicking in Washington. But the reality is clear: without change at the top, we risk stagnation and further decline. It is time to put the well-being of our citizens first, and that means making the necessary decision to replace Bibb, who has proven time and again that he is ineffective.

Let us move forward with the courage to embrace new opportunities, with leaders who are equipped to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. The future of Cleveland depends on it.


Bibb’s Failed Leadership: A Look at his Leadership Failures in Cleveland